Star Wars: Tarkin


SKU: BKGN0000784N


Groomed by the ruthless politician and Sith Lord who would be Emperor, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin rises through the Imperial ranks, enforcing his authority ever more mercilessly... and zealously pursuing his destiny as the architect of absolute dominion.

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He's the scion of an honourable and revered family. A dedicated soldier and distinguished legislator. Loyal proponent of the Republic and trusted ally of the Jedi Order. Groomed by the ruthless politician and Sith Lord who would be Emperor, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin rises through the Imperial ranks, enforcing his authority ever more mercilessly... and zealously pursuing his destiny as the architect of absolute dominion.

Rule through the fear of force rather than force itself, he advises the Emperor. Under Tarkin's guidance, an ultimate weapon of unparalleled destruction moves ever closer to becoming a terrifying reality. When the so-called Death Star is completed, Tarkin is confident that the galaxy's lingering pockets of Separatist rebellion will be brought to heel - by intimidation or annihilation. 

Until then, insurgency remains a genuine threat. Escalating guerrilla attacks by resistance forces and new-found evidence of a growing Separatist conspiracy are an immediate danger the Empire must meet with swift and brutal action. And to bring down a band of elusive freedom fighters, the Emperor turns to his most formidable agents: Darth Vader, the fearsome new Sith enforcer as remorseless as he is mysterious, and Tarkin - whose tactical cunning and cold-blooded efficiency will pave the way for the Empire's supremacy... and its enemies' extinction.

Всички характеристики

Оригинално име Star Wars: Tarkin
Език Английски
Националност Американска
Размер на продукта 16.1 x 24 x 2.5 cm
Баркод 9781780893686
ISBN 9781780893686
Интерес Кино и телевизия
Размер на опаковката 16.1 x 24 x 2.5 cm
Каталожен номер BKHL4408


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Изключително интересна книга, описваща кариерата на Уилхъф Таркин - от детството му на родната планета Ериаду до издигането му в Гранд Моф. Горещо препоръчвам!

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