Underworld Quadrilogy - 4 Movies Collection (Blu-Ray)


SKU: FMBR0001559

  • Оригинално име: Underworld
  • Година на издаване: 2012


Underworld Quadrilogy Collection contains the first 4 movies from the saga: Underworld (2003), Underworld: Evolution (2006), Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) and Underworld: Awakening (2012).
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 Underworld (2003)

Vampires and Werewolves have been sworn enemies for hundreds of years. Now fought in a Gothic-like setting, the conflict takes an unexpected and deadly new turn. Selene, a beautiful vampire warrior, uncovers a Lycan plot that could prove fatal for her entire race. She shadows a human, Michael, the Lycan's supposed target. Although she finds herself becoming attracted to him, he becomes infected with the lupine disease during a violent struggle with the Lycan overlord, Lucian, long thought to be dead. Now both sides must decide how to end the conflict and save their species as new and terrifying secrets unearth themselves and threaten their entire existance.


 Underworld: Evolution (2006)

Beginning where Underworld finished, Selene and Michael are on the run from the vampires. Being the cause of Viktor's death, Selene can only hope to plea to the last remaining elder, Marcus. However, Marcus has already awakened and has become a more powerful creature than before. Now his only remaining goal is to awaken his Lycan brother, William from his eternal imprisonment. With time running out, Selene and Michael must piece together the final clues to unlock the secrets of their bloodlines and stop Marcus before it's too late.

 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)

 The prequel story traces the origins of the centuries-old blood feud between the aristocratic vampires and their onetime slaves, the Lycans. In the Dark Ages, a young Lycan named Lucian emerges as a powerful leader who rallies the werewolves to rise up against Viktor, the cruel vampire king who has enslaved them. Lucian is joined by his secret lover, Sonja, in his battle against the Vampire army and his struggle for Lycan freedom.

 Underworld: Awakening (2012)

Mankind discover the existence of the Vampire and Lycan species and they begin a war to annihilate the races. When Selene meets with Michael in the harbor, they are hit by a grenade and Selene passes out. Twelve years later, Selene awakes from a cryogenic sleep in the Antigen laboratory and meets the Vampire David. She learns that she had been the subject of the scientist Dr. Jacob Lane and the Vampire and Lycan species have been practically eradicated from Earth. But Selene is still connected to Michael and has visions that she believes that belongs to Michael's sight. However she has a surprise and finds that she has a powerful daughter named Eve that has been raised in the laboratory. Now Selene and David have to protect Eve against the Lycans that intend to use her to inoculate their species against silver.

Всички характеристики

Категории Музика и филми
Филми на Blu-Ray
Носител Blu-ray
Жанр Екшън, Фентъзи, Ужаси
Оригинално име Underworld
Година на издаване 2012
Аудитория С – Не се препоръчва за деца под 12-годишна възраст
Серия Подземен свят
Вид продукт Филми на Blu-ray
Издание Колекционерско
Брой дискове 4
Издател Independent
Цвят цветен
Език Английски
Субтитри Английски
Общи Без български субтитри
Баркод 5017239152733
Език Английски
Размер на продукта 17.5 x 3 x 14.5 cm
Гаранция 0 месеца
Размер на опаковката 17.5 x 3 x 14.5 cm
Тегло 0.295 kg


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